The right place to start your career!

Explore internship opportunities

Let's get you started

We provide opportunities for young and talented future IT professionals to join us, grow with us, and learn from us in order to start a career in the industry, maybe even with our company. We accept candidates with both formal and informal IT education, including self-taught IT beginners. Welcome to a place where working and laughter go hand in hand!

All you need to qualify for our internship programme

You are familiar with the basics of OOP

Your English is solid both written and spoken

You are eager to learn about software development


What to expect during your internship in Ing

Flexible hours

Remote work

Dedicated mentor

Project simulation

Days off for exams

Apply Now

Selection process

Easy as 1-2-3

Application process

Apply by filling in the form for one of the positions below (if available)

Introductory inverview

If we identify you as the right candidate, an introductory interview with our HR follows

Final decision

The decision is made based on CV and the interview, without tests or further assessments