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Knowledge is a value - and we invest a lot

We value our employees
‘’Ingsoftware is a company where knowledge is the highest currency around, so we really make a habit of investing in it.’’

Our INGternships offer undergraduates the opportunity to develop their potential and steer their career in the right direction; weekly TechTalks are designed so that we can exchange knowledge and experience among the teams; we regularly attend best regional and global IT conferences, seminars and trainings – these are just some of the ways in which we prove that learning and sharing are not just the buzzwords we use.

And since most of us are really into expanding knowledge, acquiring new skills and discovering new ways to solve old problems, our management was awesome enough to recognize that passion and create a space for us to learn, so we got Education during working hours.

To elaborate a bit - every developer in our company gets two hours on a weekly basis to research any technology, tool or programming language they want during the working hours. Here at ING, we are organized in teams of 2-5 people and, as a team, we decide on how we are going to use research hours - each team member learning individually or join forces and use the collective time and then have knowledge transfers. The researched subject is also up to us, so that the variety of interests we have and pursue contributes to the improvement of each and every one of us.

Amazing, right? There’s actually a company that invests in you by making a part of your everyday job to pursue your interests.

Knowledge is a value - and we invest a lot

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